Tag Archives: undereaves storage

Play Room Ideas

11 Jan

Good morning fellow bloggers. I hope everyone is kicking 2017 off with great goals; we all have so much potential to accomplish great things this year. My husband and I  are slowing remodeling and fixing up the family home. There is a lot to be done, and 2017 is going to be our year! We have gotten 3 of the 15 rooms in the house done. Slow but sure….it’s going to get finished.
Right now I’m focusing on the playroom area that is at the top of the stairs. It is under the eaves. Because of this unique location I want to take advantage of all the space I possibly can. With that in mind I have gone ‘Pinteresting’.
Pinterest is this interior decorators’ best friend! I have found some of my best ideas there. Take a look at what Ive got in mind for my toy area so far.

So that’s what I’ve pinned so far. I want to implement storage cubicles along one wall and shelves and drawers along the other. What so you think? I love the storage cupboard shown in the top right corner, and it will work perfect in one corner of the playroom. I also love the bottom last two cubby ideas, it makes so you can make a fun comfy setting area too. The bottom left hand toy chest is a cute idea as well, I’m just not sure if it will work with the other ideas I’m trying to implement.
I will take pictures of the area I’m working with soon. That way you will be able to get a visual on my ideas.
Thanks for reading and taking a look, give me you feedback so I can make the best playroom ever! Its a small space and I want to take the advantage of the space in the best way possible.
Please post your feedback in the comment section below.
~Have a wonderful Wednesday!~