Tag Archives: authentic home gym

The Perfect Home Gym

7 Mar

Hey there fellow bloggers how is everyone doing? How are we doing with our New Years Resolutions? One of mine was to workout and eat more healthy, yeah I know its a common one, but its a good resolution! How many of you have the same resolution? I have done pretty good at working out, I am almost to my first goal weight which is a huge accomplishment. I do workouts at home, but I also drive to a gym a few times a week. I love and prefer working in a gym environment, it gets me more pumped and psyched to sweat. The down side to this is that my gym is almost 50 miles away. So I have to prepare 3 hours of my day to go to the gym.
So I’ve been brainstorming with my husband, we are trying to come up with ways, and money to create our own authentic gym. We have a roomy space in our basement that we can designate for our own gym. I love the idea of having the gym equipment I love using just one room away, rather then 50 miles! I also enjoy the idea of being able to share it with like minded people. So I’ve been ‘pinteresting’ home gym ideas galore.
My favorite workouts are more with free weights and boxes. I don’t use much huge equipment, although I enjoy the leg press machine, but there are other ways to target those same muscles without the bulky equipment.
I have a good amount of space to work with in my basement. My must haves are a treadmill, punching bag, rack of barbells ranging from 10lbs-100lbs, a weight bench with the weight plates, an incline bench, a TRX Home Gym, a set of jumping boxes, and a bunch of kettle balls. That is what I can remember right of the top of my head. What would you add? I need all the ideas and input I can get, I want my gym to be as professional and productive as possible.
Now you see what I want to have in my gym now lets talk about the look, I’m going to school to become a designer/decorator, so this project will look incredible in my portfolio.
I found some incredible rubber flooring I plan on using, here is a link to it so you can see how cool it is. I want to do bright grays, reds, and greens for my walls and accents, along with bright chrome for my trim.
Here are a few color schemes I have come across:

I love all of these color combinations, they make me feel calm yet invigorated! I wanna walk into my basement gym and feel instantly pumped to workout. I think these colors would do just that for me.
Along with a great color scheme I will also be putting up wall decals with inspiration such as these:

I love them all! They are daily reminders to just keep pushing forward. Also, I love the barbell set in the bottom left hand photo. Its perfect.

What did you guys think? Are you contemplating a home gym, have you already done it? What are some tips for a home gym beginner like myself? This is something I am very passionate about, as you may have guessed, so I’ll be blogging more about it. I’ll share my progress with you all as well.
Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
~Have a terrific Tuesday!~