Tag Archives: beautiful kitchen designs

Dream Kitchen Makeover Ideas

19 Jan

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Tuesday afternoon. Today I have been thinking a lot about how we are redoing our kitchen.
Right now its just a plain kinda dreary looking, early 2000’s kitchen. Its got light, almost white counter tops, ugly white speckled floor, and then the natural warm pine cupboards. None of this is my forte in a kitchen. I like the dark woods mixed with whites and brights here and there. I want a happy colored kitchen, with bright walls right now its all white paint with no texture! So hideous! I’m going to be changing that as soon as I can. It will be cheery greens, oranges and browns. I also adore owls so there will be a bunch of those happy creatures perched throughout my kitchen.
One of the most important things that will go into my farm style kitchen will be an antique gas stove. I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for one that just screams “MINE” all over it, there are so many beautiful styles I haven’t quite decided what one it will be. Here are some I absolutely love though.

There are so many to choose from, all beautiful designs and built to bake! I’m in love with these five though. they are all so unique and functional. What one do you like best?

The other absolute must in my kitchen is an apron sink. No proper farm kitchen could go on without one. I like the old ceramic ones with the drawstring curtain below it, but I also like the more modern looking ones, the copper and aluminum ones are stunning, in the right kitchen. Here are some for you to take a peek at, let me know what one you think will go best with an antique range.

Aren’t they absolutely stunning? As you probably guessed, my favorite is the one with the red checked cloth hanging under the sink. Its so homey and cozy.

Well, those are two of the more important aspects of my kitchen, deciding what I get for my sink, range and refrigerator, will help determine the colors of my counters, bar, and cabinets. We already know what were doing for the floor, it will be wood slats, and the ceiling will be white slats running the opposite way of the floor with faux beams going across them.  The ceiling will look something like this.


I only wish I also had the vaulted ceiling too. That’s pretty though, isn’t it? I hope you enjoyed this peek into my mind concerning my dream kitchen. Let me know what you think and help me narrow down my kitchens’ look.

Have a great Tuesday afternoon! Ta-ta for now.